1. ホーム
  2. スクリプト・コラム
  3. パイソン

Pythonスクリプトフレームワークをはじめよう webpyのインストールとアプリケーションの作成

2022-01-26 11:24:20

I: インストール

pip install web.py


II: URLの取り扱い


urls=('/','Index',) # 仮想パス '/' のリクエストを Index クラスに送って処理させるマッピングルールを定義します。

III: クラス


class Index:
    def GET(self).
        return 'Hello everyone'

IV: アプリの作成

app=web.application(urls,globals()) #Create app object
app.run() #Start the app


import web
The most basic elements of the #web
#1. urls routing table
#2. a web.application instance app
#3. Launching the app
urls is a url mapping rule, similar to the (servert) mapping
#This phrase means that requests sent to the ' / ' virtual path are given to the Index class to be processed
#This url variable gives a URL control scheme for the entire site
#Define an Index class that handles the routing
class Index:
    def GET(self):
        #Preventing Chinese garbled code
        # Your operation can return str,file,html
        # return "get request! "
        # return open(r'F:\GitHub\Python\MyWeb\tesseract.log')
        return '<h1>GET request</h1>'
    def POST(self):
        return 'post request!
# Create an application
The #urls parameter specifies a mapping between the website url and the function executed by the application, but you can see that urls is a tuple and there are only strings inside the tuple
#globals() returns a dictionary-like object containing all variables, functions, classes, and modules in the current space, with the keys being the names of these things and the values being the response objects, so that the objects can be retrieved by name.
if __name__ == '__main__':
