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  2. ギット

undefined! 却下】マスター→マスター(フェッチファースト)の解決策

2022-02-08 17:29:31

! reject]の解決策 -> master (先に取得)

 1. cd local repository #Go to the git folder
 2. git init #Initialize a Git repository
 3. git add "readme.txt" #Add the file with git add -A or git add . to commit all changes to the local repository
 4. git status -s #Check the current file commit status of the repository
 5. git commit -m "1.0.0" #Commit from Git's staging area to the repository, with the -m argument followed by the current commit's notes
 6. git branch tempbranch 
 7. git push >git push https://gitee.com/xxxx/xxxx tempbranch 
