1. ホーム
  2. String

パイソンホワイトシステム実践プロジェクト200例(ソースコード付き)、練習が大幅にパイソン(Kunpengプログラミング - Pythonの教育新種)のレベルを向上させることができます。

2022-02-22 10:16:31


2. 10から8まで

3 10~16歳

4. 文字列からバイトへ


6. 10からASCII



9. 浮動小数点型へ

10. 整数に変換する

11. セットに変換する

12. スライスへ

13. タプルへ


15. 商と余り

16. べき乗と余り

17. 四捨五入


18 変数が占めるバイト数の表示

20. ソート機能

21. 和算関数

22. 計算式

23. 真か偽か

24. 両方共真実

25. 少なくとも1つは真実である

26. ユーザーの入力を得る


28. 文字列の書式

29. オブジェクトのハッシュ値を返す

30. ファイルを開く

31. ビューオブジェクトタイプ

32. プロパティを作成する2つの方法

33. 電話の可否

34. 属性の動的削除

35. オブジェクトのプロパティを動的に取得する

36. あるオブジェクトがあるプロパティを持つかどうか

37. isinstance

38. 親子鑑定

39. すべてのオブジェクトのルート


41. オブジェクトの列挙

43. 範囲イテレータの作成

44. リバース



47. チェーン比較

48. チェーンオペレーション

49.split スプリット**分割




>>> bin(10)



 >>> oct(9) 

3 ten to sixteen


 >>> hex(15)

4. 文字列からバイトへの変換


>>> s = "apple" 
>>> bytes(s,encoding='utf-8') 

5. 文字列に変換する


>>> i = 100 
>>> str(i) '100'

6. 10からASCII


<ブロッククオート <ブロッククオート




>>> ord('A') 

8. 辞書に変換する


>>> dict() 

>>> dict(a='a',b='b') 
{'a': 'a', 'b': 'b'} 

>>> dict(zip(['a','b'],[1,2])) 
{'a': 1, 'b': 2} 

>>> dict([('a',1),('b',2)]) 
{'a': 1, 'b': 2} 

9. 浮動小数点型への変換


>>> float(3) 


>>> float('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "
10. Convert to integer
int(x, base =10) x may be a string or a numeric value, converting x to an integer. If the argument is a string, it may contain a sign and a decimal point. A long integer is returned if it is outside the representation of a normal integer.
>>> int('12',16) 

11. Convert to a collection
Returns a set object, with no duplicate elements allowed in the set.
>>> a = [1,4,2,3,1] 
>>> set(a) 
{1, 2, 3, 4} 

12. Convert to slices
class slice(start, stop[, step]) returns a slice object with the index set specified by range(start, stop, step), making the code more readable.
>>> a = [1,4,2,3,1]
>>> my_slice = slice(0,5,2) 
>>> a[my_slice] 
[1, 2, 1]

13. Turning tuples
tuple() converts an object to an immutable sequence type
>>> a=[1,3,5] 
>>> a.append(7) 
>>> a 
[1, 3, 5, 7] 

#Prohibit a from adding or deleting elements, just convert to a tuple 
>>> t=tuple(a) 
>>> t 
(1, 3, 5, 7) 

14. Turning a frozen set
Create an unmodifiable collection.
>>> a = frozenset([1,1,3,2,3]) 
>>> a # a no pop,append,insert etc 
frozenset({1, 2, 3}) 

15. Quotient and remainder
Take the quotient and remainder, respectively
>>> divmod(10,3) 
(3, 1) 

16. Powers and remainders
All three arguments to pow are given to indicate power and then remainder.
>>> pow(3, 2, 4) 

17. Rounding
Rounding, with ndigits representing the number of decimal places to be retained.
>>> round(10.045, 2) 

>>> round(10.046, 2) 

18 Viewing the number of bytes occupied by a variable
>>> import sys 
>>> a = {'a':1,'b':2.0} 
>>> sys.getsizeof(a) # Number of bytes occupied by the variable 

19. door number
Return the memory address of the object

20. Sorting functions Sorting.
21. Summation functions Summation.

22. Calculating expressions Compute the value of a string-type expression

23. True or False
24. All true Returns True if all elements of the iterable object are true, False otherwise
25. At least one is true Takes an iterable object and returns True if at least one element of the iterable is true, otherwise it returns False 26. Get user input Get user input
27. print Usage
28. String formatting Common uses of formatting strings

29. Return object hash values Returns a hash of the object. It is worth noting that custom instances are hashable: the
Variable objects such as lists, dict, sets, etc. are not hashable.
30. Open the file Return the file object mode Table of values.
31. View object types class type(name, bases, dict)
Pass in the parameters and return the object type.
32. Two methods of creating attributes Returns the property attribute, typically in the following way. Using class C.
Using the @property decorator, achieve exactly the same effect as above.
33. Is it possible to call Determines if an object is callable, and a callable object is a callable object.
Student object instances are currently not available to call.
If xiaoming can be called , the __call__ method of the Student class needs to be overridden.
Call xiaoming() at this point:
34. Dynamic deletion of attributes Deleting an object's properties
35. Get object properties dynamically Get the properties of an object 36. Whether the object has a certain attribute
37.isinstance Determines if the object is an instance of classinfo, and returns true if it is 38. paternity identification
The second parameter can be a tuple.
39. Root of all objects object is the base class of all classes
40. One-click view of all methods of an object Returns a list of variables, methods, and defined types in the current scope without arguments; with arguments, returns a list of properties and methods for the arguments.
41. Enumerating objects Python's enumeration objects

Iterate over the TestIter class.
43. Creating range iterators range(stop) range(start, stop[,step])
Generate an iterator for an immutable sequence.

44. reverse
45. Packaging An iterator that aggregates individual iterable objects.
46. Filters The function sets the filter by lambda expression, retaining the elements whose lambda expression is True.
47. Chain comparison
48. Chain operations
49.split Split Splitting **
50.replace replace ls = line.strip('\n').split(',')
The strip() method is used to remove the characters specified at the beginning and end of a string (the default is spaces).
line.strip('\n') removes the newline character and returns a list.
split() slices the string by specifying the separator.
line.strip('\n').split(',') Slices the string by a comma. #Personal public number yk 坤帝 #Background Reply Project 1 Get collation resources f = open('sensor.txt','r',encoding = 'utf-8') fo = open('earpa001.txt','w') lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: ls = line.strip('\n').split(',') if ls[1] == 'earpa001': fo.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format(ls[0],ls[1],ls[2],ls[3])) f.close() fo.close()
>>> int('12',16) 18