1. ホーム
  2. データベース
  3. レディス


2022-01-22 01:57:25


redisといえば、皆さんの頭に浮かぶキーワードは、おそらく NoSQL、KV、ハイパフォーマンス、キャッシュ、などなど。しかし、今日の記事は別の観点、つまりマイクロサービスからスタートします。

この記事を書いた理由もインタビューの経験からで、ストレンジャーの候補者(つまり出会い系のストレンジャー)のインタビューで、彼は非常に興味深いと感じた点を述べました、彼はストレンジャーのredisは非常に広く使われており、通常のキャッシュに加えて、いくつかのシナリオも使用するNoSQLデータベースとして、さらにマイクロサービスのレジストリとして、redisを使って、RPC RPC呼び出しプロトコルで使用されていると言いました。 {その レジストリ






/dubbo/${service}/${category} です。




<ブロッククオート> hgetall /dubbo/com.newboo.sample.api.DemoService
1) "dubbo:// dubbo=2.0.Dubbo=2.0.Dubbo:// 2&dynamic=true&generic=false&interface=com.newboo.sample.api.DemoService&metadata-type=remote&methods=sayHello&pid=19807 &release=2.7.8&side=provider×tamp=1621857955355"
2) "1621858734778"。




  • プロバイダは、サービス提供者のurlを /dubbo/${service} で、データ型はハッシュ、キーはプロバイダの url、値はキーの有効期限、デフォルトは 60s で、以下のように設定可能です。
  • 書き込みが完了した後、データは次のように入力されます。 /dubbo/${service} をキーとして呼び出し publish コマンドは、初期化時に登録イベントプロバイダを公開し、すべての 1/2 expiration time (デフォルトは30秒)で
  • プロバイダが再登録され、register イベントが投稿されます。


  • マッチングを取得する /dubbo/${service}/* キー(ここでは keys コマンド)を使用すると、次のようになります。
    /dubbo/${service}/dubbo/${service}/code ,
    The key taken for the
    to get the real provider list and configuration data, assemble and match
    Also, open a separate thread for each subscribed service, for
    command to block and wait for an event to occur
    From the source code and testing, dubbo's redis registry cannot be used directly in a production environment for two reasons.
    uses the
    command, it will block the single-threaded redis, and all other commands will have to be queued while keys is executed
    Without the heartbeat detection feature, I tested that the provider was being
    kill -9
    The consumer is not aware of this after it is killed. But from the implementation point of view is to determine whether the service is available through the stored expiration time, that is, you need to compare the url corresponding to the value and the current time, if the expiration should be eliminated, but this part does not seem to be fully implemented
    Although dubbo's redis registry is not available for production, it does not affect the ability to build a production-ready registry, and Stranger is a good example.
    RPC call protocol
    The redis protocol as an RPC call protocol was also told to me by a fellow stranger, when I asked him two questions.
    Why did you choose the redis protocol as the RPC call protocol?
    • How does the redis protocol pass through a header like implicit parameter

    The answer to the first question is also rather unexpected, he said it is for cross-language calls, when I thought that only http, gRPC and other protocols to do cross-language, redis protocol cross-language is also the first time I heard. But on second thought, there's really nothing wrong with it. Which back-end language now doesn't implement the redis client?

    The redis protocol is cross-language, thanks to its very simple and easy-to-implement design.


    I'll give you an example of how simple the redis protocol is, from a project I've been following for a long time


    It is a php implementation of the redis client with a single php file, the 196 lines in total The 196 lines contain comments, variable definitions, link creation, etc. There is very little code to actually parse the protocol, and the request is encoded and sent using only 17 lines of code and the only code returned by parsing is 58 lines ! As described in the project description. simple, no-nonsense

    The second question was answered as I expected, from the level of the redis protocol can not support the implicit parameters like header for the time being, but the RPC framework of Stranger is self-developed, so they solve this problem at the framework level, serialization they choose json If you want to pass through the header parameters, the framework assembles the parameters into the transport body.

    Unfortunately, the implementation of the redis protocol in dubbo is not complete and cannot expose the redis protocol, it can only be called, so the test can only test the client connecting to the redis server to make get and set calls, which is not very meaningful.


    redis is currently a very versatile storage component, and while it's not mainstream in the microservices space, it does give us a way to think that at least this path is possible.

    This article about the contribution of redis in the microservices domain is all about this. For more information about redis microservices, please search the previous articles of Scripting House or continue to browse the following related articles.