1. ホーム
  2. Web制作
  3. html5


2022-01-12 20:12:37


このグラフは、渡されたスケールパラメータ(配列)に基づいて円グラフを動的に描画するように生成されています。円グラフのサイズも <canvas> の高さに基づいて動的に変更されます。


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Canvas test</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            //Draw a pie chart
            function drawCircle(canvasId, data_arr, color_arr, text_arr)
                var c = document.getElementById(canvasId);
                var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
                var radius = c.height / 2 - 20; //radius
                var ox = radius + 20, oy = radius + 20; //center of circle
                var width = 30, height = 10; //legend width and height
                var posX = ox * 2 + 20, posY = 30; //
                var textX = posX + width + 5, textY = posY + 10;
                var startAngle = 0; // start radian
                var endAngle = 0; // endAngle
                for (var i = 0; i < data_arr.length; i++)
                    //plot pie chart
                    endAngle = endAngle + data_arr[i] * Math.PI * 2; //endAngle
                    ctx.fillStyle = color_arr[i];
                    ctx.moveTo(ox, oy); //move to the center of the circle
                    ctx.arc(ox, oy, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
                    startAngle = endAngle; //set the starting radius
                    //draw the scale map and text
                    ctx.fillStyle = color_arr[i];
                    ctx.fillRect(posX, posY + 20 * i, width, height);
                    ctx.moveTo(posX, posY + 20 * i);
                    ctx.font = 'bold 12px Microsoft Black'; // italic 30 pixel Microsoft Black font
                    ctx.fillStyle = color_arr[i]; //"#000000";
                    var percent = text_arr[i] + "" + 100 * data_arr[i] + "%";
                    ctx.fillText(percent, textX, textY + 20 * i);
            function init() {
                //draw the pie chart
                //scale data and colors
                var data_arr = [0.05, 0.25, 0.6, 0.1];
                var color_arr = ["#00FF21", "#FFAA00", "#00AABB", "#FF4400"];
                var text_arr = ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"];
                drawCircle("canvas_circle", data_arr, color_arr, text_arr);
            //execute the init() function when the page loads
            window.onload = init;
        <h3> HTML5 drawing pie chart demo</h3>
            <canvas id="canvas_circle" width="500" height="300" style="border:2px solid #0026ff;" >
                Browser does not support canvas



var data_arr = [0.05, 0.25, 0.6, 0.1]; //scaled data
var color_arr = ["#00FF21", "#FFAA00", "#00AABB", "#FF4400"]; //color
var text_arr = ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"]; //text
//draw the pie chart
drawCircle("canvas_circle", data_arr, color_arr, text_arr);
